AI for Government and Public Services


Prof. Mohamed Essaaidi

Full Professor
Mohammed V University


Gianluca Misuraca

Founder and Vice President
Technology Diplomacy and International
Relations of Inspiring Futures

Maria da Conceição Nunes Varela

Founder & CEO
Smaare Consulting

Maziar Nekovee

Sussex Zhejiang-Gongshang Joint AI Institute at University of Sussex, UK.

Panel Description

Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications can have a significant impact on governments’ public policies and services in many ways. Governments can use AI to design better policies and make better decisions, improve communication and engagement with citizens and populations, and upgrade the speed, efficiency and quality of public services.

According to a recent research published by Deloitte, looking across the public services, a common trend emerges from the growing use of robotic process automation (RPA) to automate back-office activities such as finance and HR, which makes government agencies more efficient, improves the job satisfaction of public servants, and increases the quality of services offered. Several state governments have begun adopting AI/ML capabilities to improve and support the services they provide to their citizens, including enhancing public transit, modernizing Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) capabilities, and helping make intelligent decisions for enrollment analytics.

This panel aims to shed light on the benefits of AI for Governments’ Public Policies and Services and to give an insight on the challenges, opportunities and best practices of using AI in this specific application area.

December 22nd, 2021

14h00 - 16h00 GMT+1