
H.E. Youness Sekkouri

Opening Ceremony H.E. Dr. Youness Sekkouri

Minister of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment, and Skills

H.E. Youness Sekkouri

MoroccoAI Conference Chairs Welcome


Maha Gmira

Keynote 1: Dr. Maha Gmira, AI Strategy Expert, United Nations

Deep Q Network Method for Dynamic Job Shop Scheduling Problem

Karim Amor

Keynote 2: Karim Amor, Quantum Author & Entrepreneur

AI-Quantum Convergence to Ignite Our Renaissance

Lunch Break

Lunch Break and Networking

Mohamed Saad

Keynote 3: Mohamed Saad , Deputy CEO, Casablanca Stock Exchange, Morocco

The Future of work at the dawn of AI

Touradj Ebrahimi

Keynote 4: Prof. Touradj Ebrahimi, Professor, EPFL

AI-powered Standards in Visual Information Representation for Humans and Machines


Networking Break

Samy Bengio

Keynote 5: Dr. Samy Bengio, Sr. Director of AI and ML Research, Apple

Generalization on the Unseen

Priya L. Donti

Honorary Keynote 1: Prof. Michael I Jordan, Pehong Chen Distinguished Professor, UC Berkeley

An Alternative View on AI: Collaborative Learning, Incentives, and Social Welfare

Emad Mostaque

Honorary Keynote 2: Emad Mostaque, Founder and CEO, Stability AI

Stuart Russell

Special Keynote: Prof. Stuart J. Russell , Professor, UC Berkeley

AI and the Future of Work

Mounir Ghogho

Keynote 6: Prof. Mounir Ghogho, Professor, Dean of Doctoral College, UIR

Efficient AI insights

Hamid Bouchikhi

Keynote 7: Prof. Hamid Bouchikhi, Professor, ESSEC Business School

AI, the Administration of Things, and the Government of People

Lunch Break

Lunch Break and Networking

Mehdi Bennis

Keynote 8: Prof. Mehdi Bennis,Professor, University of Oulu

Wireless Edge Intelligence: Present and future

Keynote 9: Michael Conway, VP of Content, Udacity


GenAI Hackathon

Awards Ceremony
Adji Bousso

Keynote 10: Adji Bousso Dieng, Assit. Professor, Princeton University

The Future Of The Scientist's Work In The Age Of AI



Closing Ceremony