Special Q&A Session

with Professor Mohamed Najim

This session will be moderated by Prof. Mohammed Khalil who is going to engage with ask Prof. Mohamed Najim in a discussion about several topics related to AI, Strategy, Education, Research, and Industry as well as the key roles that can play the public institutions, the private sector and the third sector in the advancements of AI in Morocco.

Mohamed Najim

Prof. Mohamed Najim

Professor Emeritus, University of Bordeaux
Founder and First Director of ENSIAS


Mohamed Najim was born in Morocco June 8, 1945. He received his Engineering degree from ENSEIRB / University Bordeaux in 1967 and a Dr of Science degree (Doctorat d'Etat) from the University of Toulouse, France, in 1972.
He joined the University of Rabat, Morocco, as an Associate Professor, where he became a Professor in 1974. He was a Visiting Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Berkley in 1983. He founded, in 1985, the ENSIAS a School of Engineering in Computer Sciences and System Analysis within the Mohamed V University, Rabat. Since 1988, he has been Professor with the ENSEIRB/University of Bordeaux, France, where he founded the Signal and Image Processing Laboratory. He has worked in various fields, including microwaves, modelling and identification, adaptive filtering including H infinity, and control. His research interests are presently modelling and identification in multidimensional signal and image processing with applications in speech, seismic, biomedical, radar signal processing, textures, and image enhancement. He recently proposed, with close collaboration with pure mathematician, new stability with M-D (Multidimentionnal) signals and systems. This later contribution falls in the spirit of the Stanford School he started to collaborate with since 1982.
He supervised more than 60 Ph. D. theses and published over 250 scientific papers and co-authored more than 10 books. He lectured at many universities all over the world (including Stanford, Princeton, Technion, Istanbul, Al Quds, KISR, La Havane, Caracas, Budapest, Beijing, Shanghai, EPFL Lausanne, Bologna, Kaust..) He set up the “CAD Software Library” within the GDR-CNRS TdSI, which is a French research program on signal and image processing. M. Najim has organized more than 15 international conferences on Control, Signal Processing, and Friendly Exchange through the Internet (EU, Brussels). More recently he was the Co-chairman of the IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Conference05 organized in Bordeaux, July 2005. He was the Editor of numerous symposia proceedings. From 1981 to 1990, he was a member of the IFAC Technical Board. He is currently a member of the Technical Committee on Digital Signal Processing of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. Since 1999, he has been an elected Associate Member of the TWAS (Academy for Developing world). He has managed various projects with industrial partners (including Texas Instruments, Digital Equipment, ST Microelectronics, Mathworks-Matlab….) and led consortiums within the European Framework Programs. He headed of the LASIS a Joint TOTAL /CNRS (French NSF) Laboratory for 15 years. He was nominated IEEE Fellow in 1989 and received the A. Shuman foundation Prize in 1982. He was awarded the highest Moroccan distinction (Wisam el Arch) in 2000. He has been awarded TWAS Academy engineering prize in 2011 and the highest Award of EURASIP society EURopean Association of Signal and Image Processing) in 2013 for « Pioneering Contributions to Theory and Applications in Signal and Image Processing ». He received the French distinction Palmes Académiques in 2015. He is a member of the “Ambassador Club of Bordeaux”. He was the bearer of the first two applications in the field of Engineering disciplines to honour with the Doctor Honoris Causa Degree respectively Professors Thomas Kailath from Stanford, in 2003 and Martin Vetterli, President of the EPFL, Switzerland, in 2021.
While in Morocco, he set up various partnerships with High Authority of Phosphate (OCP), Ministry of Agriculture (ORMAH, ORMVAH,) SNED , SIMEF, ACIOR, Texas Instruments, El Alamiah, DEC ( Digital Equipment)
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